Evidence Synthesis for Social Transformations - International School


Read on to find out more about how to get to Almería and where to stay

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Travel to the International School

We strongly encourage you to travel as sustainably as possible. Spain has a good bus network: search for intercity bus routes here.

If you need to fly, you may need to travel to a larger city nearby (for example Malaga) and then take a bus. Where possible, please try to minimise the number of flight connections in order to reduce your carbon emissions.

Travel to and from the International School is best by public city bus - please consider proximity to public transport when booking your accommodation.


The International School will take place at the University of Almería, situated around 7km east of the city centre, on the Mediterranean cost.

We recommend staying in the city centre to allow you to enjoy what the city has to offer in terms of night life and activities, and to provide easy transport to the university each day. The city of Almería has a host of affordable accommodation options. Hotels.com has a range of suitable options at various prices, as does Booking.com.